Explosives & Narcotics Detection

Tracer 1000 Desktop Explosives Detector

ECAC Certified Mass Spectrometer Trace Detector

Tracer 1000 Desktop Explosives Detector

Tracer 1000 Desktop Explosives Detector

World leading explosives & narcotics detection

  • The first ECAC certified Mass Spectrometer Explosives Trace Detector (ETD)

  • Used in 14 countries worldwide

  • Near Zero (~0%) False Alarm Rate

  • 10-15 Second Analysis Time

  • Fully Automated Internal Calibration

Tracer 1000 Desktop Explosives Detector

Gold standard Mass Spectrometry Trace Detector

The use of Mass Spectrometry is recognised throughout the world as the laboratory gold standard for chemical detection and identification.

Mass Spectrometry used for the trace detection works by creating a unique spectrum for each sample and then matching to a library of known threats. It is best known for its ultra-high accuracy and near zero False Alarm Rate (FAR).

The Tracer 1000 can be continually updated to a virtually unlimited threat library to identify thousands of explosives, narcotics, CWAs and other threats.

With Dual Usage capability, you can detect Explosive and Narcotics together or separately.

Tracer 1000 Desktop Explosives Detector

Simple to operate, simple to train

  • Easy to use interface
  • 15 second detection cycle
  • 100% uptime ( no bakeouts )
  • Auto calibration - Auto Tune - ( once, daily )

Find out more

Our expert team are available to discuss this product and your specific requirements.