Radiation Detection

Westminster Group supply Radiation Meters to IT Security Solutions Company in Tanzania

April 9, 2021
Radiation Detection

Westminster Group supply Radiation Meters to IT Security Solutions Company in Tanzania

April 9, 2021
Radiation Detection

Westminster Group supply Radiation Meters to IT Security Solutions Company in Tanzania

April 9, 2021

Westminster Group have recently supplied a Tanzanian company with a number of X-Ray Scanner Radiation Meters.

The IT security solutions company, who is a repeat customer since 2015, have ordered several radiation meters to use with their existing X-Ray Scanners that we have supplied to them in the past.

Westminster’s radiation detection systems provide fast and accurate radiation detection and classification of sources.

The X-Ray Scanner radiation meters check that there are no radiation leaks present on the existing machines. This ensures that the scanners continue to be safe to use.

To find out more about our radiation detection systems, visit the Radiation Detection Products section of our website, or contact us at enquiries@wg-plc.com

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